17 March, 2006


Okay, I feel dumb asking this, but does anyone else play Animal Crossing for the Nintendo DS? See I'm a 30 year old man who's addicted, and no one else I know is likewise. Not even my B-cuz, the most awesome gamer alive! Oh sure, I've found people online who play, but so far I've not been able to convince any of them I'm not a pervert (SHH, quiet all of you!) Still, even if I was a pervert (and the jury is still out on that) what am I gonna do ... expose my pixels at em? Say a dirty word?! Oh man, and there's this awesome final expansion to the local shop that turns it into a mall with a hair salon. I'm so jealous.

I've spent a little time each day since Christmas interacting with the town of Hysteria. It's actually a well laid town. The post office, museum and market occupy all of the northwest quadrant, leaving the remaining acres for housing. Our northeast quadrant has a beautiful view of Hyper Falls. We are currently a thriving exporter of pear shaped fruits and coconuts. The towns local philanthroper Nimrod Noodle has taken great pains at reshaping the land to provide maximum accessibility AND marketability. His clothing line is another story however, as nothing he designs seems to take hold (except with him of course.) He's usually seen cavorting town in a top hat and monacle.

The Hysteria Museum of Fine and Otherwise Hooty-Hoo Arts continues to grow in its various exhibits. Quite far the most complete (and lucrative) of these is the Ancient Animals, which is chock full of goodies. The Gallery has yet to display more than two portraits of worth, and rumor has it many counterfit works have tried to make their way in via shady sources. But above all, the crowning glory is the new Stary Eyed Observatory, where anyone can come and contribute to the star chart with their own unique designs! And if you come back at night, your designs decorate the sky!!!! I nearly flipped when I saw the Triforce floating in the east!

While the town has seen many animals come and go since December, a few remain faithful to Hysterian soil. Dotty the rabbit can't seem to give up her beautiful beachfront property, nor Octavian the Octopus. Angus the Bull is the only original animal still living in town, and he is crotchety. We had a celebrity animal for a short time, Frigga the friggin' blue bird I guess, but she bored easily.

Can't you people see I'm going nuts here?

I'm almost to the point of buying a used DS for my friend Honey and then forcing her to Animal Cross with me 'till her eyes bug out! Damn you woman!! You loved the GameCube version! We shared a community together... doesn't that mean anything to you?


D B R said...

Man, I got jipped in the stalk market AGAIN! None of the prices this week have been at all worth selling. Hopefully my money tree will prove more fruitful.

D B R said...

AAAARGH!! I decided not to invest in stalks this week, and wouldn't you know Nook was buying today for 440 bells a piece. I can't seem to hit this on a good day ... which, I guess, is more reality than video game.

Incidentally, my money tree didn't work and I'm grouchy about that. I burried 5,000 bells, and a tree sprouted. WTF? Where's my cash at you stupid tree!

D B R said...

I have decided to send a bunch of pears to the residents of Hysteria. I've attached them as gifts to letters, and begged for a different fruit in each one. Hopefully this will work!