19 April, 2007


[I decided to respond to the following ARTICLE on the Westboro Baptist Church. Check it out, then read below.]

While it is necessary and even fun to scorn the behavior of the Westboro Baptists, scorn is not enough to solve the problem. They have a message, and while it's true they hate many people, they've found a special distaste for homosexuals. For more information, check out their website http://www.godhatesfags.com Happy good time jubilations!

I too remember when Phelps and his "family" protested funerals of those who died of AIDS. Nobody seemed to care when it was merely a gay issue; hence their movement was allowed to grow. More people are getting angry about the military funerals, but ONLY because protesting our fallen soldiers is something we ALL can agree is shameful.

The Westboro Baptists will be allowed to continue their religiously shielded hate as long as the American atmosphere allows it. Their First Amendment right is supported, and sometimes even applauded, by religious conservatives. But freedom of speech only remains free until real damage occurs from what is said. For example, shouting FIRE in a crowded auditorium is not something we are free to do unless there really is a fire.

The problem is really about what the Westboro Baptist Church feels compelled to say, driving its members to the point of defiling an otherwise sacred ceremony. And the truth is, homophobia is not necessarily discouraged in America. Nobody wants to touch the gay issue, unless it's to legislate to keep gay issues further from mainstream society. (Thanks Issue 1).

Hateful religious ideologies like those of Fred Phelps are what fuel much of the “debate” on issues like gay marriage, gay adoption, or even basic recognition of homosexuals as targets for violence and discrimination (special rights my ass). They influence the minds of the people we put in charge to protect and to govern all of us in the United States. They are not merely displayed on poster board during funerals.

Yes, it is deplorable that anyone would seek to protest funerals. But shouldn’t we start examining the beliefs behind such behavior? How can we NOT expect religious radicals to show up when we send such powerful messages to support their cause? I see Fred Phelps and his congregation as a TREMENDOUS opportunity for the American people to actually examine the beliefs which hold an entire minority in check. We just won’t do it. We’d rather hear dozens of motorcycles blaring at a funeral than to meet this issue head on.

Not that it’s easy mind you. I’ve been at it for years and have made little progress. But if we can foster a more accepting attitude for homosexuality, Phelps’s free speech will sound more like shouting fire in a crowded room. And eventually, someone will beat the crap out of him.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Okay, I've done the dirty deed and called Senator Brown about our Methodist friend. Senator Voinovich I'm not going to waste my breath on.