09 May, 2006


You know, I believe our society has expanded and advanced so quickly that we are unaware of our potential as a Whole. Not only do more of us live longer, we can be more civilized about it, giving us the chance to learn and contribute. I feel it safe to say we are well past the realm of basic survival, man against nature and all She commands.

The society we create today has too much of the jungle in it. We still cling to primal ways of thinking. There's too much competition when we should all embrace the social organism of safety and provision we contribute to. We're still in the habit of knee jerking, only now we respond to one another instead of nature. Ah but what can you do when society is ruled by men?
Don't get me wrong, I like men. Heck, I am one. I understand why men have been on top so far. In our various stages of evolution, men have consistantly been larger, heavier, taller, more muscular; essentially, we're physically better suited to survive the world. And I must say fellas, we've done a bang up job!

Yet our supremacy quickly turned misogynistic. Our society relegates women and children to the care of men, which often translates to control and dominance over them. We've become comfortable belittling their role in our species. We've only given them the physical aspects of equality; our opinions of them are still negative, weak, inferior.

Further, we men dissociate with a part of ourselves in such a woman fearing culture. Men believe feelings and emotions to be weakness, instabilities on the inside. Thus, we call them femanine and relegate them to the female sex. To display them outwardly reveals weakness to other males.

Which leads me to believe that the days of patriarchy are numbered. Feelings and their emotional expressions are a HUMAN PHENOMENON. They are merely a refined version of instincts, adapted to compensate for our prefrontal lobes (intellegence). And in today's world, our conflicts are interpersonal. To be close to one's feelings is to hold sway over the majority of us who do not.

In short, I believe women should rule the world. We men have conquered just about every inch of the planet, we can relax now. We no longer need conquering. We need to sustain life, to cultivate it. That is the job we men have decided women do best, right?? Is it any wonder that a certain unnamed psychoanalyst suggested men are ultimately seeking the comfort and security they knew from their mothers?

Golly I know this seems like a fairy tale, but it doesn't have to be. Since we have government in place, we can create a world that fully supports women as mothers. That would remove any pregnant woman's need for the father to be faithful. Let's face it ladies, mens eyes do wander. Fess up fellers, you love conquering new territory.

We must find a way to shift gears as a species, or else crash and burn. I firmly believe we accomplish this by exhonorating women. Men even admit that women are smarter, and the connection to their emotional selves is precisely why. We as a species-wide and history-long patriarchy have placed women in the role we now need most in our world.

Ladies! You are a majority (however slight). Let's bust some ass here!


Anonymous said...

It makes me so proud to be our friend - not just because of what you said, but that you use your brain and actually think about solutions. I would love to see women give ruling the world a try but I am afraid our weaknesses (especially those passive-aggressive ones) would do us in, just like men have done themselves in.

I would propose a society where men and women rule equally. We need to have as many female as male leaders ruling the planet. Or maybe a team leadership model that employs just as many men as women.

But is this possible? Does sex in itself warrant the improbability that men and women rule equally? At its basic core, men dominate women in sex play. But I know times are a-changing, and I can put on a strap-on like any June Cleaver in the neighborhood.

And I don't agree completely with an Affirmative Action type of hiring system to bring more women to the offices of world leadership. The best human should get the job. What do we do when the glass ceiling is still prevalent, though? I don't know.

My dad once told me that he would never vote for a female president. He isn't misogynist - he believes that a feminine ruler will struggle with a male-dominated planet. That was the day that I know I needed to head to DC. :)

D B R said...

When I speak of women ruling, I speak of the feminine influence on the world. As we are right now, we are heavily steeped in male domination of society, which seems to include conquest, war, and competitive thinking. I was arguing that because of our patriarchy, we have demonized the emotional realm of humanity, imposing such sensory input on our "weaker" sex.

I feel that to place women in a more dominant role will thus place what we call "feminine" characteristics at the forefront of our goals (partly why I suggest supporting motherhood financially). I see us as having swung far to the male extreme of living, and that to counter such we need to exhonorate the opposite extreme.

I don't believe equal thinking will be enough. When change has occured thus far against the patriarchy, it has been through revolution. Perhaps later we can think of equality. Right now, we do not ALLOW everyone to be equal
simply because of their sex. If nothing else, this shits on a lot of potentially great women.

I think of the differences between masculine and feminine in terms of conquering and sustaining. While there are instances of each quality in both sexes, there are
tendancies for men to impose and conquer and women to sustain and nurture.

Imagine what it would be like if Muslim women at last revolted. Would their goals be the same as current Islamic opinions of jihad? Now think of America.

Women have "weaknesses" that are wholly theirs the same as men do. The fact that we disassociate with our emotions causes a hellova lot of knee jerking. A woman's weakness has been imposed upon her by men, and has been challenged and overcome many times. We need this on a mass scale.

Then again, I'm just a dude. I have no idea what it's like to be a woman.