15 April, 2006


I gnash my teeth every time I hear how I should not question my government. Recently, I saw a press briefing by Donald Rumsfeld where he was adamant about his not backing down on anything he's done. "To do so," he suggested, "would send a message to the enemy, that America's leadership is weak and easy to topple." In other words, don't disagree or bad things will happen.

That's a bunch of horse manure. WE ARE A DEMOCRACY, something the terrorist mentality disapproves of. We are a government that (in theory at least) supports each and every one of our citizens. When problems arise, a democratic people will allow all points of view to come to the surface and conflict, in order to see how best to go about a situation. Instead of depending on only one perspective, this system allows for revisions and fine tuning. The typical bias inside an individual is circumvented in collecting as many ideas as possible.

Our questioning our government is exactly what frightens terrorists most. They are so used to existing in a theocracy, where politics and religion are one, the thought of a ruling system of government that can be challenged seems evil. THEREFORE, continuing democratic activity EVEN DURING TIMES OF WAR is the epitamy of Democracy.

If we DO shut down aspects of Democracy (such as the legitimate questioning thereof), we fail to be democratic. We would become a police state, or something else where we the people are told by our governors what to do. Let us not forget that the very formation of Democracy was IN DIRECT RESPONSE to various forms of government telling its people how they were going to live. No thank you.

When I see conservatives arguing against government criticism, I am acutely aware how brief their point of view is. "The political rhetoric against current administration does nothing but strengthen our enemies. Look, terrorists are everywhere, and are looking for signs of weakness in order to strike again. It's an anti-war, liberal agenda that is potentially dangerous for our safety." All this does is state the opinion, show that it is a direct result of fear, and projects that into America's future. It is a formula that hopes to gain credibility by causing something to stir in us.

If current administration were already capable of handling terrorism (or war policy, or natural disaster relief, etc.) our recent American history would look different. But it doesn't. Those who are questioning King George do so because they feel less confident and thus less secure under the watch of his administration. The answer to that is not to allow more autonamy.

We the nay sayers want to be safe the same as the rest of America. We just don't invest our faith in those running our country. Instead, we look to what has already happened and suggest things be done differently. Isn't that how growth is accomplished?

In other words, SHUT IT conservative knee jerks, and shame on you for using fear to continue your own point of view. I don't care if it's a fear you yourselves feel pressure from, it doesn't give you the right to ask us ALL to close our eyes. Shut your pie holes!

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