Recently, the NAACP called on members of the Tea Party and other people of good will to repudiate the racist elements showing up at Tea Party rallies and protests. The resolution from the NAACP was specifically crafted so that the Tea Party would not be targeted as a whole. And yet spokespeople and celebrity Teabaggers have come out swinging against this resolution. They claim the movement is only engaged in political dissent in an age of government largess.
News flash! There's a ton of photographic evidence out there of racism running wild at Tea Party rallies. I searched "tea party + racism" on Google and found dozens, and it only took me thirty minutes. Here are some of the worst:

When you have to rewrite your racial slur so it's spelled correctly, is that irony? Or just par for the course?

Racism isn't any cuter when you get the kids involved, people. Sorry.

Obama has to be a Muslim... he's black. Right?

Yeah, I know, disgusting. But you gotta admit... the president looks pretty fly in this pic!

Wasn't it enough for her to call the President of the United States a liar? Why did she have to bring Africa into it?

The term 'half breed' specifically targets race, in case there was any confusion.

This picture makes me sick... so sorry to post it.

The racism started LONG before Obama became our 44th president.

Blurry, but you get the picture. And I'm still bitter that the Tea Party uses images of the Joker in their slander.

This sign was going so well until he decided to equate a brown man with al Qaeda.

This is when it started getting personal for me, cuz you know I love Michelle Obama. My girl!

The tea bagger's grasp of American history. Alas.

I made a collage like this in high school, and mine was just as factual. I got an 'F'.

Disagree with his healthcare policy all you want, but why did you have to bring voodoo into it? I'll tell you why... racism.

It's pretty sad when your only exposure to the black community was 'In Living Color'. That was the 90s dude, catch up.

And if a bunch of rednecks act like fools, will we still call it 'white power'?

This was sent out by an elected official as a holiday greeting card. Because Christmas is sacred.

Good old fashioned Civil War era racism here... vintage.

I believe in some of those things too. Where's my turban? Oh right, I'm white.

And since the bigotry and hatred in the Tea Party is not aimed solely at African Americans, I thought I'd add this pic. In this guy's defense, I've heard Barney Frank is hung like a purple dinosaur. Oy!
PHWEW! That was a terribly painful internet search to conduct. Keep in mind, I didn't select pictures with nooses in them because, honestly, I saw a few toward the end of Bush's second term. Nor did I select signs that spoke of Obama as a Fascist, Marxist, Communist, Socialist, or member of the Nazis. Those are technically political arguments which honor the spirit of the First Amendment. And besides, I don't see many tea baggers using those terms properly, which is embarrassing enough for them.
Members of this political party need to recognize, whether they like it or not, they are debating our first African American president. So when racism enters the debate, it makes tea baggers look like they're afraid of the person they are debating. They're focusing more on Obama than his policies. By all means, talk about taxation and spending and points of legislation coming out of the Obama administration. Don't allow racist comments and slurs to de-legitimize the message.
I can't believe some of those pictures - I thought I had seen horrible ones on Keith Olbermann but those are even worse. The Tea Party certainly can't see that they are harboring racists as they can't even be introspective themselves to understand why now they are evolving. They should have formed in Bush's time if they were so concerned about finances but I guess they have no problem when a white man does it...
Incredibly powerful, and terribly sad :-/
It is sad, isn't it? Honeysutra makes a good point: tea baggers say they aren't racist, but didn't feel this sort of vitriol toward their government until a black man came into office. Our nation's problems have been steadily mounting for years, and yet tea baggers are JUST NOW getting angry about fiscal policy or immigration reform? I don't think so...
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