During a recent conversation on the Gulf Coast oil spill, I wondered aloud what it would take for the American people to push back against corporations like BP and hold them accountable. BP's response to this spill is particularly offensive given their FOURTH QUARTER FOR 2009. They could at least research ways to effectively contain and/or clean up the mess that's bound to come from drilling off-shore. Anything but floating worms and powders, top hats and funnels and giant plumes of fire shooting endlessly into the sky.
So I asked about my fellow Americans and what it would take to push back against crap like this. Imagine my surprise when I got this as a response: "What do the American people have to do with it? We elect a federal government to take care of those things."
Now before I wax patriotic, let's go back to September 10, 2008 when Americans discovered the federal agency in charge of oil regulation, the Minerals Management Service (MMS), was LITERALLY IN BED with the lobbyists they dealt with. Actually fornicating and snorting drugs with corporate personnel, sometimes on federal property. The Obama Administration is in the process of RESTRUCTURING that agency, but in the meantime, the oil fields and drilling born from all that collusion and debauchery cover the globe. How long before we can verify that other facilities haven't cut corners or neglected regular maintenance? How many more Gulf Coast disasters are waiting to happen?
In theory, I can see where my friend was coming from with his response. We elect a government to act on behalf of us, right? We forget that some of "us" are corporations and banks, and in America, THEY'RE PEOPLE TOO. The whole issue of corporate personhood has twisted the Fourteenth Amendment to allow shady practices and rampant social agendas to go unchecked for a while. Corporations have a right to lobby the government on behalf of their interests, and wow do they have persuasive resources. Cocaine and whores for everyone!! Casual Friday ad infinitum!!
(Cue patriotic music.) If you really want to break it down, we as a collective society elect a government to provide a network of resources to get shit done. That's all. They help us achieve our objectives, whether it be security or oversight on the many other aspects of our lives. By it's very nature, a democracy acts as an amplifier for the people; otherwise, it's a dictatorship, or a military state, or a theocracy. We are the energy and the impetus. We are the reason the government acts at all. But we as citizens have to participate in that, loudly and often. Not just during election years. It's obvious that certain of our CORPORATE CITIZENS are participating. We have to compete with that.
Which brings me back to my original musings, where the American people hold corporations like BP accountable for the oil spill. It's obvious that we're not getting off of petroleum any time soon, nor is this essay an anti petroleum rant... I see that we use it for fuel, for plastics, for medicines and healthcare needs. But if we're going to keep up this addiction, at least in the short term, we have to do it smarter and safer. No more lives should be lost or devastated. No more wetlands destroyed by oil spills. And if we can't guarantee that, then we should not drill offshore.
I personally don't think the petroleum industry has much of a reason to innovate on their own. At least not until the oil dries up. Which is why Americans should make an example of BP. Sure, the equipment and manpower will be swept up by another competing company instantly, but we 'THE SMALL PEOPLE' would be sending a message to the industry. The rampant neglegance, lack of planning for disaster, and bullshit media strategies will not stand.
Well said! We can all contribute to a solution by cutting back, conserving, pushing for alternatives to replace petroleum products in items we use. As for fighting the big-money lobbyists, I'm not so sure we stand a chance there, but then I'm a pessimist at heart...
Thanks, Cyndi. Part of how we fight against the big money is to expose its black heart. Make the lobbyist a liability instead of an asset to the politician. Play their game.
I would love to see a range of energy producers tailored to the landscape and situation. So, for example, sun catchers in the desert. I really am not against big oil, I just want to use what we have left responsibly and for the right things. Besides, other leading nations in history have fallen because they didn't have a handle on their resources.
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