I’m not surprised that Republicans and members of the Tea Party are bashing the protesters at OCCUPY WALL STREET. First, it’s an impossible movement to co-opt, as opposed to the Tea Party’s blatant sponsorship by American Crossroads and copious Koch Brothers’ cash. Second, demonstrations have appeared in every major American city, including overseas locations like Britain and Africa, making it much larger than the Tea Party. And third, both reasons 1 & 2 make the established one percent of American wealthy very nervous indeed.
Really though, that seems the goal of the demonstrations: to show their frustration. They are the pent up energy in America today, and they’re finally letting it out. I’ve heard many talking heads scream for the Occupy Wall Street crowds to focus on a message, or to reach out to members of Congress. But doing so could corrupt this movement like it did with the Tea Party. Besides, legislation is not their responsibility. Other, more connected individuals who are sympathetic to the cause will push for legislation. Average Americans do their part by voting and by signing petitions for issues they care about. AND by expressing their outrage when their voices are ignored.
I’ve seen a couple amendments and petitions appear since the movement sprung to life a month ago. Dillan Ratigan has been extremely outspoken about the need to GET MONEY OUT of politics. More familiar organizations like the NATIONAL ACTION NETWORK have scheduled demonstrations appealing to congressional figures to act on jobs legislation. Even corporations like BEN & JERRY’S Ice Cream have endorsed the Occupy Wall Street movement as something that’s long overdue.
As for a message from Occupy Wall St. (et. al), they repeatedly remind the media and anyone watching that they are the 99% ... the vast majority of American citizens. And by citizens, they mean WARM BODIES as opposed to COLD HARD CASH. They’re proving their wealth in numbers day by day. Keep it peaceful, gang, and keep it up!
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